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12 dec 2022


af Gitte Bramstorp

The programme for the second Nordic Status Epilepticus meeting to be held in Bergen Norway…

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06 dec 2022

Town Hall Meeting ILAE Europe

af Gitte Bramstorp

ILAE Europe will be holding two identical Town Hall meetings, by Zoom, on Friday 16th…

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05 dec 2022

ILAE-EUROPE invites so submit applications for funding for sponsored courses/symposia during 2023

af Gitte Bramstorp

Dear Chapter Executives, On behalf of ILAE-Europe we would like to invite you to submit…

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05 dec 2022

10th Eilat International Educational Course

af Gitte Bramstorp

10th Eilat International Educational Course: PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, Israel on October…

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10 nov 2022

ILAE Town Hall meetings by Zoom

af Gitte Bramstorp

Dear Chapter Executives, ILAE Europe will be holding two identical Town Hall meetings, by Zoom,…

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27 okt 2022

Opdateret program – DES Efterårsmøde den 4. november på Rigshospitalet med emnet “Epilepsy+”

af Gitte Bramstorp

DES afholder sit efterårsmøde den 4. november 2022 på Rigshospitalet, Auditorium 2. Emnet for dette…

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28 sep 2022

Message from the ILAE President – September 2022

af Gitte Bramstorp

Dear Colleagues, After a successful European Epilepsy Congress this summer (see this highlight video), ILAE…

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08 sep 2022

Invitation til ILAE Nursing Survey Cover til sygeplejersker, der arbejder med personer med epilepsi

af Gitte Bramstorp

Hermed opfordring til at besvare undersøgelse af blandt sygeplejersker der arbejder med personer med epilepsi…

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05 sep 2022

Invitation til PhD forsvar – Traumatisk hjerneskade og risikoen for epilepsi den 16. september kl. 14 i Aarhus

af Gitte Bramstorp

Invitation til Ph.d. forsvar “Traumatisk hjerneskade og risikoen for epilepsi” af Kasper Lolk, fredag den…

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29 aug 2022

8th London Innsbruck Colloquium and the 2nd cEEG Course, 17th to 20th September in Salzburg

af Gitte Bramstorp

Attached please find an announcement for the 8th London Innsbruck Colloquium and the 2nd cEEG…

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